My colleague suggested me take a bowl of Korean ginger tea to cope with the unusually cold weather here at minus 9 degree celsius. I thought it'd probably be the ginger sweet soup we have in HK, but it's 10 times more than expected.... Woash....

1. This tea house is somewhere near Insadong and actually quite a lot of tea houses are in Insadong. 2. My colleague ordered a "five tastes" tea and if you like something refreshing sour, this one is super sour but smells so good - kind of a berry aroma, at US$7.

3. This is the Ginger tea but I should call it ginger juice, US$7. I couldn't even finish it all. So I know why they give me a tea spoon. Yes, half spoon every time. 4. Sweet for the tea US$10. The 4 square ones are chocolate truffle coated with green tea powder - very nice and super melty. Then the middle 6 are citron mini-custards, chestnut and herbal. Pretty nice to go with my strong ginger tea so as to give my taste buds a break.

5. rice crackers (complimentary) - very nice! 6. the shop inside.

7. There is a big tree growing inside the shop. 8. the variety of teas...
wow very nice sweets
delicious sweets never cheap, $10 = Baht 330
another proof that Mandarin Oriental afternoon tea is a bargain in Bangkok, hehe
Yes, together with the tea, its US$17-8. Interesting the Won has already dropped by 30% as compared to my visit of last year, the living costs are still quite expensive as compared to other SE Asian countries. The good thing is that this tea house served some refined tea and dessert to justify the higher prices.
It seems that food and tea in Korea are more expensive than HK.
I think the Chinese style lamb hot pot(Cha Yeung Yuk) is a better way to keep warm than this expensive ginger tea.
Yes, interesting it's more expensive than last year...
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