Well, I can't comment on it if this guy is present. When I looked back, there was no one on the bridge. My Korean colleague told me to delete it as she saw me wondering for a while. Like I told some of my friends, during day time, you just don't know who are present in this World, when you walk in the street no matter how busy it is. So take it easy - be more receptive. This photo was taken at a very high shutter speed at 1/3000 with ISO400 and aperture at F4. Interesting - the shutter...
this time not only u have yin-yang eyes, ur camera too
I am not suprised there are spirits all around us because I believe in God. If there is God, there must be spirits too. To me, spirits are like human beings; there are good and bad spirits. Even if we don't see them does not mean they don't exist. In fact, we took one picture at Shangari-la Hotel BKK and when the picture was developed, I saw a big dark spot on the wall and I was told that is a spirit too.
aiya, u never told me, so scary
Well, I can also say Spirits are not those with ugly green pale face... They can look as normal as we are. So why we have to be scared. Scared is because we don't understand and we get the illusion.
I totally agree with Sea. There are good spirits and bad spirtis just like human beings. Sometime human beings can be more horrible than ghosts. Did you remember the movie called "The Ghost"(by Demi Moore)? That was one of my favorite movies.
The cat I had for 10 years passed away earlier this year. On the 49th night I talked to my cat(in the air): Sha Sha if you can hear me please let me know if you are ok by showing to me some way.
The night when I sat on the toilet there was one cat print on the wall.
Well, I used to encounter many spirits when I was 6-9. After my mom died, all of a sudden, those were gone. Just occasionally I met some of the incidents. BTW, this one was taken a few hours after my sister's cat passed away on the same day. I once thought if anything was related. That cat was 20 years old and died in peace.
You must delete this one. It will follow you!
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