When I was a kid, I didn't know why my uncle spent a lot of time on photography. Here is a photo he took my "wondering" look when I was (maybe) 7 on a ferry ride to Lamma Island. On taking this photo, he used a quite a high aperture (around F2 - F2.5) as you can see the object (i.e. me) much in-depth and also no flash was used. With the bright light outside the ferry, the object appeared to be in a clear tone. It's not easy. At that time a high aperture lens must be very expensive. I recall he put all his camera stuff in a weather proof box. He must have spent a lot on all those things.
You look like Jason(or vice versa).
Jason is smarter than me if I compare to what I still remember how I was.
So Jason is a little genius.
Because you are already smart enough, wise enough and intelligent enough(smart and wise are different).
Thank you Stella. Please don't spoil me. I still compare myself to other great great persons. Like my cooking, I am not yet contented and I think I should practise more.
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