Passed by this nostalgic cafe several times over the past and guess Tai Ping or Queen's Cafe in HK or New Light in BKK...etc.

1. Guess this is the best in this restaurant and I saw many old gentlemen taking coffee and this one is pretty small. 2. The shop inside and it's 11am.

3. the menu with photos. 4. view to Kabuki 2nd street.

5. Western bento with hamburg steak. The steak is pretty good, cutlet shrimp and fish too. The others are so so. The rice is too soft. 6. the shop in the early age.

7. the lift lobby to the 5F cafe. 8. the poster and menu outside in the street.
hurray now i can see pic in the posts
J-restaurants like to display sample and provide picture menu, maybe J likes to c what they (will) order
I guess it should be the Japanese culture bringing in the dummy meal in front of the restaurants so that people would know what it is.
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