The New Year here is a season for bags of blessings. Almost every shop has this customs, including foreign brands. I passed by the electronic shops with bags of blessings of a Nikon D3000 for JPY39800 (US$420), and almost got it, as it comes with a nice tripod and a 18/55 IS lens plus so many accesories. However, D3000 is the same as my 400D. Passed by Paul Smith and Girbaud and wanna ask if they have such bags of blessings.... :)

1. ok, this shop is also on my favourite list and I tried some of their products from my last trip to London. The saleslady was so kind to even open up a bit of what's inside the bag. So I bought it at JPY7,000 (US$76). Back in the hotel, it contains quite many useful items and originally it should be at US$200 to 220.
So these are like goody bags with some "surprise" inside.
But it is "dangerous" if you cannot see what you get inside though.
so u bag of blessing is originally a new D3000, so scary!
Wow.. so many traps outside. I saved all my lucks on just this bad. Then next day, of course 95% bags were gone. Even Muji is like after a big robbery... :)
SS, this kind of bags would require your absolute worship to that brand. So you wouldn't have any regret for placing your bet. I was actually checking on Godiva... :)
SS, this kind of bags would require your absolute worship to that brand. So you wouldn't have any regret for placing your bet. I was actually checking on Godiva... :)
Thanks SEA for the note.
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