To echo TC's last posting of "Collect Silver Here", here are some of our "Continental English" (yes, I would like to have a more literal and respectful term for the mainland as Continental, e.g. Continental People, Continental Food, but of course, this needs to be called from here - HK. If you call it in Europe, of course, it would be referred to the European Continental. :) So when I checked on "put on Aircon", I was wondering how we can bear at least a 20-30kg air conditioner on our shoulders, or how you wear an air conditioner like a jacket? Are you ready to be a professional weight lifting player?

You are nice enough to use "Continental English" for your remark.
The word "Continental" to me is more related to Continental Breakfast or Inter-Continental Hotel.
"Continental" isn't any exclusive or privileged term. Just we are sometimes confined to some conventional thoughts. :)
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