On my first visit in Tokyo in early 90's, I was fascinated with various snacks and the local milk and ice cream products. So on the first night of my every trip, I would stock up some local snacks for my late night supper.

1. This kind of rice crackers are so good to refill your carbo. after your all days walking and getting stressed. JPY280 (US$2.5). 2. I like the dried squid or any dried seafood here. This one is very nice and so much flavour of octopus. JPY200 (US$2.2)

3/4. Even the local chocolate products are very nice - refined and melty. BTW, the soda here is also very different. The flavour is quite "thick" and hard to describe. I don't like coke or pepsi. Either of them is very nice here!

5. Even the Oreo is different. It's not my prejudice but this flour and the sugar are pretty refined to make it different. I can taste the sugar is quite distinctive. Very impressed. 6. Wow.. the local tangerine is also very different. My grand mom sometimes would, at her old time, comment "honey" tangerine but it almost disappeared for many years, until I found this in here. I paid JPY220 (US$2.4) for 10 tangerine. Really sweet like honey. Can't imagine.

7. Milk is also my must try every time when I am here. So goodorf!
OK, everything is good in Japan even for the regular common snack such as OREO.
The price is quite "US" again.
Can local people afford those? If yes, their average salary is kind of high then.
Har.. the locals buy Louis Vuitton like buying Giodano. They buy those gorgeous food like it's their routine.
Wow, another rich place besides HK, Beijing and Shanghai.
In fact, there are 3-5 highest living cost cities such as NYC, Tokyo, London and Hong Kong. They are what we call in Chinese "Ding Dong Pier" (叮喵碼頭).
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